Colorado Dream Homes Inc. is a family owned business since 1994. We have built over 200 homes, town homes and commercial buildings in and around the Pagosa Springs area. We are the largest full service construction company in Archuleta County. Colorado Dream Homes has proven it’s energy efficiency standards by winning five national awards including four NAHB Energy Value housing awards for the nations Best Energy Efficient Home Design and Construction in a Cold Climate Region. We are also proud recipients of the prestigious 1999 EPA Energy Star Small Home Builder of the Year award in the United States.
We are truly the energy efficiency experts. With 90 years of hands on building experience driving the company we can definitely turn your dreams into reality. Our full service staff is ready to assist you. Stop by our 5-Star energy rated model home open 6 days a week so we can show you what it’s all about.
Our 5-Star energy rated model home is located at 2283 Eagle Dr. off Hwy 160 in the town of Pagosa Springs, CO. When you’re in Pagosa stop by so we can give you a tour. We’ll show you step by step how we build our homes. We’ll also walk you through the model to show you everything we include. When you’re finished we’ll give you a packet containing all of our standard plans along with color photos of our custom homes and some terrific referral letters from some of our clients.